Saturday, November 17, 2012


Welcome to my blog about the movies. My feeling is one of impending doom of American movies and the lack of good stories out there for intelligent movie-goers.

We seem to have a system now that only wants to appeal to the lowest common denominator with not many people in the industry willing to take a risk and what is worse is that when these risks are taken they are seldom the right risks and executed correctly.

The first set of posts will give you an idea of the kinds of films I like, the shining stars of those genres (in my mind) and then I will progress to movie reviews of things I normally borrow from one source or another.

You will find out very quickly that I am picky son of a bitch and most of the reviews will be negative but I will always be honest and true to my real feelings which is really what is important. Right?

I should also point out that I have taken the unusual step of starting to write my own screenplays because when I watch most films I feel I can do better. Whether this is true or not is besides the point but I have completed one thriller which I will explain in a future post.

Feel free to comment on my posts but please only do so if you have something useful or intelligent to say, I know most people feel differently from me and like many of the movies I will shred to pieces but please refrain from childlike responses. Thanks.

Stay classy blog world.

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